The camera is an exceptional tool of discovery. It allows us to see what is present and sometimes what is not. I use a camera to see what I can’t see and to see how my eyes alone can not see the world. What is there when we put the viewfinder to our eye that wasn’t there before? What can we find? A moment in time, a composition not apparent to our senses, light that does more than simply illuminate? I seek out what isn’t noticeable or what might not be right in front of us at first glance. 

I use the camera to readjust time, attention, and perception. Through the lens I can question what is unfolding in front of me. Sometimes things are what they seem until, using the camera, a different way of seeing is revealed. Our preconceived ideas are challenged. Our vision is expanded by an image captured in the briefest span of time. 

I do not use any image editing software to create my photos, except to adjust exposure, color, contrast, and sharpen images.

Currently I am living in Amherst County, Virginia about 50 miles south of Charlottesville. I am working wherever photography takes me.